
Domestique Endorses Obama!

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Obama in '08!


m said...

No love for Hillary?

Rick Shaw said...

Mindy, I apologize for the peta thing. I heard you think I'm a complete chauv', but thats just not true. I can see how it looks that way given what I wrote underneath it, but I reallly just found it hilarious and sad that peta has to sink to this level to get their message out. See Misha's response, I couldnt agree more.

I say this to qualify my next statement: no, i have no love for Hillary. If she becomes the candidate I will support her over any GOPer, but I think she is part of what is wrong with Washington DC and our political system today, which is power-greed. TO me, she seems more interested in being in power than actually doing any good things in power. Barry is talking about universal health care, bringing troops home in a year, and was opposed to the war from the very beginning (and even had trememndous forsight back on '02 about the perils of an occupation). Hillary has now been on every singly side of the Iraq debate, and her current views are NO different than GOP Sen's like Hagel, or scarily, even Norm fucking Coleman. That is, she is like everyone who is up for an election in '08 right now: "Oh sure, I voted for the war, supported the president, was a complete spineless and ineffective leader, BUT NOW that public opinion is so low, I am now fully against it." Which to me, is bullshit.

m said...

"Complete chauv'"? That makes me laugh. I'm gonna use that phrase. I don't think you're a complete chauv, I was just curious if the post was serious or not. But it seems like Misha keeps you honest :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

barak will suffer the same treatment as michael dukakis.

60 days before the general election, it will be suggested that his name sounds like it's from the middle east.

30 days before, campaign images will show his face floating above a map of iran.

20 days before, the name barak "osama" will be adopted.

10 days before, he'll be called "weak on crime."

i don't write it, i just call the shots.