
Great freaking news!

Yes, my footballing nerdiness is on full display this week, my friends. And I have no regrets! So why stop the fun? This is probably the best news a Mank fan (see here, definition #3) like me will have until they secure the treble in a few months time: Cris Ronaldo pledges his future to Manchester!! This blog has not been shy about its love for the Portugeuse winger, and will continue to lavish him with praise (as long as he continues to mesmorize and score goals that carry United through games). And now we get to continue watching him at Old Trafford through 2012! Exciting stuff folks! A great kickstart to the weekend. I just hope this whole Friday the 13th thing doesn't put some weird curse on the whole deal. If he goes out and breaks his leg next match, we'll take that as a sign that it did.

And, not only is he one for the gents to admire and attempt to imitate on the field, but chances are the ladies will also find him quite pleasing on the eyes. Behold, "The Angel of Football":

Friday the 13th

Just a friendly reminder to all the Domesticants out there: watch yourselves today. If you see this guy around, alert the authorities and run like hell.




Wow, while I was wasting away at work earlier this week, Manchester United were putting on a clinic at Old Trafford. Check out these SEVEN FREAKING GOALS! Carrick's are especially pretty. This youtube clip is in French, and after Carrick's second the announcer does this funny "Ohhh la la!" thing, highly entertaining so be sure to watch with the sound on.

Also, Roma's lone goal was amazing. One time volley out of mid-air from di Rossi, who wasn't even facing goal. Yes, this is the same prick that slogged Brian McBride in the face (youtube clip if you need a refresher) with his elbow last Copa.

Enjoy, this is an entertaining 2 and a half minutes.


:::NEWSFLASH::: this just in...

The news has it that the photographer is the real baby's daddy. So, when this guy ends up moving to the Bahamas and dying a mysterious drug related illness, maybe we'll start to think this other guy had something to do with it... am I getting this story correctly? I have to say I haven't been following the trials and tribulations of the Smith baby paternity battle, but it seems to me like this Bahamaian law-dog Stern is a low-life creep. While this Birkhead character is just a money grubbing dude like the rest of us.

He's obviously happy with the outcome, seen here (left) doing Mike Madono's fist pump (we could describe it as Tiger's fist pump, but hommie Larry has got some serious hockey-hair... and if you went to high school in MN you know exactly what I am talking about).

And this my friends is headline news. God bless America.


Compulsory blog posting on "Spring"

All around the vast array of tubes that make up these here internets, it seems like everyone is doing their "spring" post right about now, including peleton members Abe, Kraemerica, Slurry, and Ms. Minneapolis (ok, I don't know if Mindy has, but she's a pretty active blogger so I am giving her the benefit of the doubt, but feel free to go looking around for it on your own).

Spring in DC is nice. Here are some pics to prove it. This is DC's Southwest Waterfront, as seen from a morning spin around Haines Point.
And, as this is a compulsory blog posting on Spring, it obviously needs to have plenty of cherry blossoms...
cherry blossoms with ft McNair in background...
cherry blossoms with DCA in background...
And here you can see what happens after only a few short days or weeks in bloom, all the petals fall off and cover the ground like snow...

Here is "the awakening," the statue at the SW tip of Haines Point.
Spring also means golf to a lot of people... so here are some shots of the Haints Point (East Potomac) Golf Course:

And finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't share with you some shots of our nations phallus, and the throng of people waiting in line to get inside of it (3rd pic). But first, the tidal basin:
There you have it folks. Spring.

Check out Billy Graham

Wow, just read this e-mail interview with the Rev. Billy Graham at the Strib. Interesting. He's really mellowed in his old age. This passage struck me as remarkable:

Q Have your views on such issues as foreign policy and homosexuality grown more liberal through the decades?

A Well, I hope they've grown more balanced over the years, although I try to avoid labels like "liberal" or "conservative." When I was young, I thought I knew the answer to almost everything, and I cringe when I look back at some of those ill-considered remarks. The world is complex, and as I've grown older I've learned that foreign- policy issues, for example, usually aren't as easy as they may seem on the surface.

Homosexuality is not a lifestyle that is endorsed by the Bible, although I don't believe Christians should single out homosexuals for condemnation or contempt. God loves the homosexual just as much as the heterosexual, and so should we. We have all sinned, and we all need God's grace and forgiveness. We also all need God's strength to fight temptation and to change our lives.

If there is one thing I dislike, it's intolerance. I would even go as far as to say I am intolerant of intolerance. And I actually think that is only mildly, if at all, hypocritical. And while Billy Graham and I disagree on just about everything, at least we agree that we're all sinners in someone's eyes and that we should "judge not lest we be judged."

Flawed system

Gotta love those Florida Gators, right? Well that is how I feel after winning* one office pool and finishing second in another. One was a large large pool, like 117 entries to be exact. The other was smaller, like 18 or so. So I was actually shocked that I was the only contender in the large pool I participated in to pick Florida. I thought me and just about everyone else and their mothers would have picked Florida. Sure, Greg Oden and Mike Connelly, Jr are awesome players. But ya know what? The Big Ten sucked this year. Sure, Kansas was deep as shit and just about the most athletic team in college hoops. But ya know what? No way they beat UCLA & Florida back to back to win the tournament... and the Big 12 kinda sucked this year too from top to bottom (although they were far superior to the Big 10). UNC? Not with that many freshman. I actually loved Georgetown, they were a lot of fun to watch this year with Jeff Green and Roy Hibbert, and after I saw them steam roll thru the Big East tourny and find different ways to win against different teams, I thought they were a show-in for the final four. And all along, there is just no team that could compete with Florida. So they coasted thru a chunk of their season, so what? They returned 4 out of 5 starters from last year's winning team, and had three guys that would have been in the lottery last year had they entered the draft (that number is up to four after this year). And they have Billy Donovan, an amazing coach. And in my mind, they had the easiest road to the final four (Wisconsin was the two seed in their quartile of the bracket, a good but definitely not great team, which says it all about the midwest region this year). So long story short, I am shocked that by making the safe pick in my mind (I am by no means a Florida fan, in fact I'd prefer any Big Ten team or Big East team over ANY SEC team), I ended up as the only person in a position to win with Floriday in that giant pool.

Please note the asterisk* after "winning." This unfortunately needs to be here to qualify me actually winning the pool. Technically, I tied for first. But this is a grave injustice, something along the lines of Gore winning the popular vote and not becoming president.

As any good pool participant will agree, there should be no tying for first. Tie for second? Fine. But there has to be a *winner* in my books. Not for this stupid office pool. The person I tied with had picked UCLA to win the whole damn tournament. But since she and I both finished with 64 points, we split the [nonexistent] big purse.* Bullshit. She didn't even pick the winner, how could we tie? There should be a tie-breaker to determine this sorta thing!! This just ain't right! And just like the electoral college, this office pool is just a stupid and flawed system. From here on out, I'll stick to simple brackets. Check out these convoluted rules (this is straight from the entry form):

You pick 10 teams--this is not a bracket pool (PLEASE PUT SEED # NEXT TO EACH TEAM). To quote someone on the Hart Research NCAA Pool Rules Committee: “Suck it up.” Here are the point values for the main Regular Tournament (10 teams) part of the contest.

#1 to #4 seeded teams receive 1 point for each tournament win

#5 to #8 seeded teams receive 2 points for each tournament win

#9 to #12 seeded teams receive 3 points for each tournament win

#13 to #16 seeded teams receive 4 points for each tournament win

Once a team reaches the Sweet Sixteen point totals double. Apply the following multiplier effect to each team's point value:

X 1 for victories in first and second round games

X 2 for victories in all subsequent rounds (regional semifinals/finals, national semifinals/finals) – for example a #5 seed that reaches the Elite 8 would be worth 8 points (2 points for Round of 64, 2 points for Round of 32, and 4 points for Round of 16)

Special Wild Card bonus round:

In addition to your regular 10 picks for the Regular Tournament contest, select two (2) teams each from the lower seeds: #5-#8, #9-#12, and #13-#16. THESE TEAMS CAN ALSO BE ON YOUR LIST OF TEN TEAMS.

For each game these Wild Card teams win in the tournament, you receive 1 bonus point regardless of round.

Extra bonuses: You receive 4 points for each Final Four team you pick. If you pick the 2007 NCAA champion you receive 4 points times the team's seed number. i.e. someone who picked Jackson State would get 64 points (4 X 16).


























[Editor's note: Please note no condition for TIE-BREAKING! Bullshit!!]

That said, I finished 2nd in the bracket pool I participated in. I had a dream that I cleared $200 in combined winnings, but it was just a dream, there was actually no prize money at all (see footnote).

* It is nonexistent because gambling on college sports is illegal and this pool was done in good clean fun, no money changed hands and there is no big purse to split. This footnote is here at the behest of my attorney.