
Check out Billy Graham

Wow, just read this e-mail interview with the Rev. Billy Graham at the Strib. Interesting. He's really mellowed in his old age. This passage struck me as remarkable:

Q Have your views on such issues as foreign policy and homosexuality grown more liberal through the decades?

A Well, I hope they've grown more balanced over the years, although I try to avoid labels like "liberal" or "conservative." When I was young, I thought I knew the answer to almost everything, and I cringe when I look back at some of those ill-considered remarks. The world is complex, and as I've grown older I've learned that foreign- policy issues, for example, usually aren't as easy as they may seem on the surface.

Homosexuality is not a lifestyle that is endorsed by the Bible, although I don't believe Christians should single out homosexuals for condemnation or contempt. God loves the homosexual just as much as the heterosexual, and so should we. We have all sinned, and we all need God's grace and forgiveness. We also all need God's strength to fight temptation and to change our lives.

If there is one thing I dislike, it's intolerance. I would even go as far as to say I am intolerant of intolerance. And I actually think that is only mildly, if at all, hypocritical. And while Billy Graham and I disagree on just about everything, at least we agree that we're all sinners in someone's eyes and that we should "judge not lest we be judged."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GOD LOVES HOMOS. And I do too.