
:::NEWSFLASH::: this just in...

The news has it that the photographer is the real baby's daddy. So, when this guy ends up moving to the Bahamas and dying a mysterious drug related illness, maybe we'll start to think this other guy had something to do with it... am I getting this story correctly? I have to say I haven't been following the trials and tribulations of the Smith baby paternity battle, but it seems to me like this Bahamaian law-dog Stern is a low-life creep. While this Birkhead character is just a money grubbing dude like the rest of us.

He's obviously happy with the outcome, seen here (left) doing Mike Madono's fist pump (we could describe it as Tiger's fist pump, but hommie Larry has got some serious hockey-hair... and if you went to high school in MN you know exactly what I am talking about).

And this my friends is headline news. God bless America.

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