Compulsory blog posting on "Spring"
All around the vast array of tubes that make up these here internets, it seems like everyone is doing their "spring" post right about now, including peleton members Abe, Kraemerica, Slurry, and Ms. Minneapolis (ok, I don't know if Mindy has, but she's a pretty active blogger so I am giving her the benefit of the doubt, but feel free to go looking around for it on your own).
Spring in DC is nice. Here are some pics to prove it. This is DC's Southwest Waterfront, as seen from a morning spin around Haines Point.And, as this is a compulsory blog posting on Spring, it obviously needs to have plenty of cherry blossoms...
cherry blossoms with ft McNair in background...
cherry blossoms with DCA in background...
And here you can see what happens after only a few short days or weeks in bloom, all the petals fall off and cover the ground like snow...
Here is "the awakening," the statue at the SW tip of Haines Point.Spring also means golf to a lot of people... so here are some shots of the Haints Point (East Potomac) Golf Course:
And finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't share with you some shots of our nations phallus, and the throng of people waiting in line to get inside of it (3rd pic). But first, the tidal basin:There you have it folks. Spring.
rabbits are attacking my tulips this spring. they've made a fort in my back yard. i sprayed some synthetic fox urine around the yard to keep them out. i've never seen a synthetic fox, but they must be good at scaring rabbits. be sure not to get any of that stuff on you. it's not fun to spend an entire weekend feeling like you've been peed on.
I'm still waiting for spring to show its face here in MN. I'll let you know when it does. Today it is supposed to snow.
Nice pics.
James, could be time to apply for that conceal and carry permit I know you've dying to get. That way, you could just pop a cap in little Peter Cottontail. I would think a 9MM is a lot more intimidating for a rabbit than fake piss.
i think i'd rather get peed on.
i thought you were like the other adorable DFLers, josh, the ones who want to repeal conceal and carry?? apparently not. apparently you LOVE to shoot baby bunnies. i should have known.
i like the photos, especially the artsy one of the cherry blossoms in the gutter. good work.
Sorry steff, I am staunchly 2nd Amendment rights, ALL THE WAY. I am just THRILLED that Congress has decided to overturn DC's self-imposed gun ban. If there is one thing DC needs, its more guns in more homes. And Jah Bless Congress for putting their nose where it doesn't belong. Good thing GOPers are such strong state's rights supporters... Oh wait. Ohhhh, I GET IT, it's because we're not actually a state here in DC, right? We actaully have no representation in this Congress that is revoking our laws? Makes perfect sense now.
Hmm, that doesnt sound right. In fact, that doesn't sound much like democracy at all.
[Little did you all know this was all a ploy to go off on a DC Voting Rights Rant, thanks Steff for taking the bait.]
[[And WTF does this have to do with bunnies or gardens or spring?]]
[[[For the record, I'm not actually a hand-gun carrier or supporter. But I do sorta like guns. I think it's a guy thing.]]]
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