
Bab's still single? Smart girls finish last.

Well congratulations, Dubbya, yer daughter Jenna is about to marry a real class A full pedigree DOUCHE BAG. I just read this lil article the NYT about the newly betrothed.

Awwww, for cute!
So how do I know he is a major DB? You mean, besides the above picture?

Mr. Hager is a former staff member for Mr. Bush’s top political strategist, Karl Rove, and is in his second and final year at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia..

His father, John H. Hager, was an assistant secretary of education in Mr. Bush’s administration and took over this month as the chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia. He is also a former lieutenant governor of Virginia.

In my opinion though, I always thought Barbara was the catch, seeing as she got the brains and--how do I say this--more fit bod' of the two. I mean look at 'em side by side, Babs is clearly the better looking. Jenna just looks too much like her old man, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to get intimate with Dubbya. With the obvious exception of the douchebag that I lead this post with.


Proud new MacBook owner

Oooooh, ahhhh.
I finally got with it and got a Mac. What a cool new toy. Me gusta mucho!