
Scary quote of the day

Monday, April 23rd's scary quote of the day comes from the very scarily titled article in the LA Times Abortion aside, conservative Christians like Giuliani for 2008 nomination. And here's the quote, along with the setup as seen in the article:

Retired teacher Lorraine Long, 74, said she was not "a huge Giuliani fan" and strongly disagreed with him on abortion. But she still might support him because of what she sees as his strength on national security.

"If we're annihilated, we can't fight abortion and the liberals," she said.

Well then.

Actually this is more than just a scary quote. What is scary is that Giuliani, despite the DC inside ballgame conventional wisdom that he is not conservative enough, is the clear favorite for the 2008 GOP nod, even among white Christian conservatives. Giuliani's appeal is not derived from partisanship, it's from 9/11, and since he is coming from outside of DC will probably be immune to whaat would be a popular theme for a Dem presidential hopeful, something along the lines of "Look at what their party did when in control of the executive, Bush et al have been nothing short of disaster, etc etc etc." That is, I don't think attacking the Republicanness of Giuliani is going to be nearly as effective since he is seen as such a moderate to liberal GOPer.


Anonymous said...

My sixth grade teacher once assigned our class to listen to the Rush Limbaugh radio program as homework.

She also mentioned that we might consider acting the part of our biographical reports during black history month. In her words, "talking in jive might add a nice touch" but "wearing black make-up wouldn't be necessary."

We were assigned to draw a still life portrait with crayons as homework. The next day she demonstrated how the same picture could be improved by using colored pencils instead of crayons. I asked her if taking a photograph would improve the picture even more. She gave me detention.

Wow, this blog comment has been really healing. Thank you, Josh.

Anonymous said...

Wow, random.

m said...

Um. James...where did you grow up? That was the weirdest grade school story I've ever heard. And I grew up in rural North Dakota, so that's saying something.

"Wow" to the quote.