Summer Fun Update
Just had to check in with an update and some pics documenting how awesome these past 4 weeks have been. I have to make this relatively quick because I am leaving for Albany today to see my ladyfriend, "M."
First, I am sure you are all wondering how the bike trip went. In a word: awesome. It was, after all, the Tour de Awesome, so I guess it is a fitting word to describe the weekend. You can read all about my drinking exploits here. In terms of biking it was a great success, 40 miles on day 1, camping in William O'Brien State Park, then 80 additional miles to D'bury. About 60 of those 80 miles was on a County Highway F in Wisconsin, and we pace lined for probably 50 of those miles (meaning we all lined up and drafted off the guy in front, who would just pull off the lead and get on in back once he was too tired to pull anymore), which really helped us conserve our energy and had us biking at a pretty good clip. I believe we averaged 17 miles an hour for the whole 120 miles, but were pace-lining at about 20-22 mph. I will also add this, should you ever find yourself needing to draft behind someone on a bike trip, you better hope you are with the Angel Moroni, homey is HUGE (in a good way) and cuts a very large slipstream that you could draft a Mack truck behind.
OK OK OK, here are some obligatory sat night drinking pics that document the end of the Rossi (Rossi is deathly susceptible to snakes and, more accurately, being snaked).Note the patriotism that cabin life brings out us.
This is me, killing the Rossi under the banner of our great nation (yeah, it's backwards, F-off).
And below we see one sad Beta, realizing the Rossi is no longer. Hey Beta, nice Ocho you pulled off on that pontoon, Carlo never saw that one comin.'And that is just the biking trip. The weekend before that I was in Duluth, MN, visiting an old friend who is leaving our shores for the island territory of Saipan. My buddy likes fire, likes to dance with fire and throw it around. It's pretty neat...
We also went cliff jumping... Dangerous you say? True. But fun as hell. The first one was a warmup. The second pic is big Elgin Falls. Holy crap that was scary. Took a lot of talking to myself to convince me it was a good idea.
And yesterday I was out on Lake Minnetonka, pontooning and drinking beer and most importantly, celebrating the new apartment we just landed in Seattle!! Whoot whoot! After months of trying in vain, something finally came through for us, thank thee Jebus.
More later kids, but I gotta run for now. Keep on keepin on, we'll be on summer hours through labor day, after which you can probably expect a lot more frequent posting. Probably too frequent.
and then I dug some post holes.
James: Enough with the post holes!
Josh: Playing with fire and jumping off cliffs? My father would not approve.
Mindy: I am really good at manual labor. Some people are not. These people are weak in my eyes.
I am also really good and procrastinating. Sorry 'bout that James. But we'll get 'er done, fear not.
UPDATE: The Adirondack mountain range, home to Lake George, Lake Schroon, Lake Champlain, and numerous other lakes and mountains and things, is incredible. M and I just concluded an overnight backpacking/hiking adventure that took us over Pharaoh Mountain and around Pharaoh Lake. About 16 miles wethinks altold. The trail was described as "moderate to strenuous," which was apt. At some points it was no problema, and in others, t'was a BITCH. However, should you ever do the "Pharaoh Mountain and Lake Loop" up by Schroon Lake, DEFINITELY take the detour that brings you to Oxshore Pond. Amazingly idyllic. If you ever wondered what Thoureau was talking about with his Walden pond bit, go check this shit out.
Tonight we are off to Troy, one-third of the Tri-City Area, for some brew pub M heard about. Should be intoxicating.
I think James said the bike trip was going to be annual. Let's start looking into dates for next year. Also, I wish I could clone myself so I could share in the fun of drafting off my fat ass.
Carlo may not have seen the ocho coming but he did get the last laugh. I probably should have avoided the late unos.
Do you purposely choose the most unflattering pictures of me to post on your blog? Are you trying to tarnish my image?
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