
Sugar mommas

So here I am, at Holly's coffee shop, catching up on some articles from last Sunday's NYT. I was checking out the Sunday Styles section because there was this article I found interesting called "Putting Money on the Table." The premise of this article is that a lot of men in their 20s and 30s are uncomfortable dating a woman who makes substantially more money than they. My immediate response was, "Who are these fucking idiots?" Maybe I am in a minority here, but ladies who bring in the money are not intimidating, they are amazing! Look at my situation, Suga' takes care of her man! She hooks me up with health insurance, contributes to rent when she lives 3,000 miles away, tried convincing me to use the joint account to pay for my groceries (hence subsidizing half of my food, but I can't in good faith do this... more than once). I mean seriously, guys who get all upity about not living up to their father's generation's idea of providing for a family with a wife and kids at home are completely and totally fucking nuts. Maybe it's an ego thing, but it's still stupid. Fellas out there in NYC who have a problem with rich chics, I have some advice for you: get the fuck over it, times are changing, as long as you bring something to the table (e.g., you're nice or funny or good in bed or whatever), she probably won't mind providing for you and maybe paying more than her share for some things. (Lucky for me, I am nice.)

Interestingly, "the median income of women 21 to 30 in NYC and who are employed full time is 17% higher than that of comparable men." Way to go ladies! Now, a little advice for the chicas in that article who can't seem to hold down a man: if you make more money and you know it (I mean like a lot more money here), pay for shit. Part of the reason you can't find a guy who is willing to go to fancy restaurants with you isn't because he doesn't like fine dining, it's because homey is po'. So hook that shit up. I mean, if roles were reversed and he wanted to go out somewhere fancy and you were not making money, he'd treat. Even if you did make money he may try treating because that is part of the chauvinist mystique. And if you insist on going Dutch, which is totally respectable, then you have to agree to eat somewhere he is comfortable paying his own way. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Yes, I agree, this post belongs on Mindy's blog.


Moroni said...

Seriously, who are these guys. I'm looking for a lady with high earning potential. Doctors and Lawyers need only apply.

mmg said...

Moroni, it is for that very reason that you'll never find such a lady. Either that or it's because you say mean shit all the time. It's hard to say.