Some much needed comic relief
In such terrible no good rotten times like these, it's good to know we've still got Will Ferrell to make us laugh.
Well a person can work up a mean mean thirst after a hard day of nothin' much at all
In such terrible no good rotten times like these, it's good to know we've still got Will Ferrell to make us laugh.
Wanna know what the biggest problem with the completely bonkers super-conservative Christian Evangelical Right in America is? They're loaded. Too much money. SO much money in fact, they can blow $27 million on a "Creation Museum" dedicated to showing just how T-Rex and Adam used to drink beers and chase tail together, side by side, back in Eden. I bet they were quite the pair in bars, T-Rex acting as wing-man, willing to jump on the occassional grenade for his BFF Adam. [Editor's note: ladies, if you are not familiar with this wing-man lingo, "jumping on the grenade," please ask that guy friend of yours whom you can trust to deliver the honest terrible truth about the hetero male species but still won't hate as a person because of what he says, I'm pretty sure you all have one of these freinds.]
I highly recommend you read this full article, it is laugh-out-loud funny. You can be damn sure I would pay full admission (unless it involves committing my everlasting soul to Jebus) for this museum. How could I, perhaps the most irreverant person I know, NOT go to something like this? I mean seriously, get a loud of this place:
The museum is based on a literal interpretation of the Bible: The world was created in six, 24-hour days, some time between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago. Humans appeared on Day 6, and they didn't evolve from anything.
Like a natural history museum or an amusement park, the Creation Museum will use people's fascination with dinosaurs as a draw.
There will be 80 lifelike dinosaur models, some of which move their heads and tails and roar.
"The evolutionists use dinosaurs to promote their world view; we're going to use that to promote our world view," Answers in Genesis spokesman Mark Looy said.
Good idea.
There also is a reproduction of a portion of the Grand Canyon. The message there is that it was created very quickly, from the waters from Noah's flood. The fossils in rock layers there and in many other places around the world are of animals that drowned in the flood, the museum says.
The museum has a planetarium. But its programs, unlike those at other planetariums, will say that the light from the stars we see did not take millions of years to get here.
There also will be an exhibit suggesting that belief in evolution is the root of most of modern society's evils. It shows models of children leaving a church where the minister believes in evolution. Soon the girl is on the phone to Planned Parenthood, while the boy cruises the Internet for pornography sites.
Eugenie Scott, a former University of Kentucky anthropologist who is director of the California-based National Center for Science Education, said the information provided in the museum "is not even close to standard science."