
As it turns out...

As it turns out, I am not very well suited to living alone. Thankfully, I only have another month or so of this hell. Everything suffers when I have no one to be held responsible to. My hygiene has gone to shit for starters, I used to shower everyday, sometimes twice a day. I sometimes fall asleep without brushing my teeth now (gross). And I only really shave when my neck gets itchy from my own whiskers.

My apartment doesn't get any visitors, so I don't make a very big effort to do the dishes everyday or clean up the newspapers on the coffee table or bother to put the clothes anywhere other than the floor. It annoys me to see my slobbery, but not to the point where I am really motivated to do anything about it.

I know once I am rejoined with my [much] better half in December(ish) that I will definitely feel compelled to do a better job on all these things. I will also feel compelled to go grocery shopping regularly. As it is now, I go when the cupboards are bare, like really bare. If there is still enough food to scrape together some semblance of a meal--beans & rice, pasta & olive oil, carrots & toast--I will put off shopping for another day. I haven't had fresh fruit/vegetables in over a week.

And for those of you really skilled at reading comprehension, you will note that I actually take no responsibility for these slovenly actions (or lack of actions... l'actions?). Instead, I blame others (for not living here, for not coming over to my apt, etc etc). And I think this maybe this is the hallmark of our generation, "complain complain complain... but not my fuckin' problem." Or maybe it's just me.

Ok, off to class. This sufficiently took up the time I had allotted for showering this morning (victory!), so I guess we press on with Day 3. Since I haven't really worked out since Monday nigh, I haven't showered since then either. No one seems to be repulsed yet, but maybe people are just being polite. But today, will shower, I promise. Shave? Hell no, I did that last week.