
Al Franken for MN Senate 2008

Well, I suppose since I am both Minnesotan and a political nerd, I should have something insightful to say about Al Franken running for Senate against slimy Sen. Norm Coleman in 2008. Sigh. I guess. But only because you've been begging me for it. What can I say, I am nothing if not responsive to the demands of my readers.

... Crickets chirping ...

Al Franken decided about two years ago he would run for Senate in Minnesota when he bought a house or condo or something in Minneapolis. (He is from St Louis Park originally.) He made it official yesterday. Apparently the Star Tribune doesn't consider him very credible... "Seriously, Franken's Running For Senate" is their headline of his announcement. Nice unbiased coverage, Strib. Waytago. Or maybe they are trying to make it sort of a play on words, since Franken's a comedian and all. Or was. Whatever.

God, I just couldn't care less about this. Would I vote for Al Franken? Maybe. Let's give the guy a year or so to see how he responds to the criticisms and the oppo-research and all the other shit they dig up about him and air liberally all over the media and talk-radio. My hunch is that he has said and done too much in his past that is too extreme to make him a viable candidate outside of Minneapolis. But, this is a state that voted for a former boa-wearing wrestler for Governor (for chrissakes), so who can really handicap things at this point? He sure beats the hell outta Mike Ciresi in my book. Who has done amazing things in taking down big tobacco, but seems more interested in buying himself a Senate seat and hearing himself talk than really doing anything, IMO. I'm sure he's a great person, don't get me wrong. I just have never found him particularly inspiring.

Smilin' Norm is going to be tough to beat. He is a giant douche, probably in my 5 least favorite senators,* and for all intents and purposes sucks at his job. But he is pretty good on TV. He is starting to make nice speeches about opposing escalation in Iraq (but one million bux says if there is ever a BINDING resolution in the Senate, he won't vote for it). And, most importantly, he's an incumbent. And Minnesota likes splitting its Senators between the parties. And if you think McCain is the '08 nominee (I do), then MN also has the leading Veep candidate on the GOP side as its sitting Gov, meaning GOPers up and down the ticket are going to get a lift in 08. Not to mention the lift with having the convention in the Twin Cities.

*Yes, I have lists of these sorts of things.

Meaning, I really don't know if Franken is a good candidate or a bad candidate or a credible candidate or what. I think Amy could have taken down Norm, but she's already in. Rybak (Minneapolis mayor) might have it in him. Coleman (St Paul mayor) doesn't. Tim Walz is reportedly not interested and is leaning towards supporting Franken since Al helped raise a shit can of money for him in his tight race. And I am not sure who that leaves. Mike Hatch? Puuhhhlease. This guy needs to be done running for stuff. Judi Dutcher? Her too. Not sure who that leaves, really, and like I said, Norm (that fucking douchey-douche-douche-douche) is going to be tough to beat. At this point, 18 months away from the election, all I can say is that Franken, by the fact that he'll have near unlimited resources, has as good a shot as anyone else.


2 for 2!

Great news for me, I just heard back from my second grad school, and I have been accepted to the University of Washington School of Public Health. Still waiting on those hippies out in Berkeley (don't they know I'm one of them!?!?), but I am just thrilled to have options now.

The choice as it now stands:
(a) U of MN
(b) U of WA
(c) Defer, enroll in culinary school
(d) Defer, become bike messenger
(e) Defer, continue working 9-5 office job

Leave your vote in the comments.