Oh no you didint jus' move up in my office!
Now, I don’t mean to be rude. I am sure she is nice. But someone’s head down at HR better roll. I have put in three and a half mostly thankless years, and now, with just three and a half short weeks left, on my fairwell tour of the office, I get stuck with a friggin intern in my office. For three and a half years I shared a shitty space with another person. Then when we hired my replacement a month ago, I moved into the lone vacant office space in the building. Sure, it was inconveniently located right next door to my previous boss, but it was helpful to be near the guy I was supposed to be training to take my place. And the office is great, while it may not actually be on the receiving end of any air conditioning, I have a fan and a big window. A window! It took three and a half years to be able to see daylight from my desk. And now they are putting a fucking intern in my office? Is postal too cliché? Cuz homeboy is feeling very Bill Foster (Michale Douglas) in Falling Down right now. Fuck fuck fuck! Now I can’t be all blasé about my blogging, my surfing, my emailing, or my farting. How in the hell am I supposed to coast thru the last 3 and a half weeks of my job sharing an office the size of my sophomore year single dorm room?
Listen intern, it’s nothing personal. I am sure you had a very nice education and are probably a real friggin’ whipper snapper. But ya know what? F-you and your need for desk space. I am pissed.
This is meant to be ironic, because you see, my shitty office has no human resources, or anyone really that I could even complain to short of the owner. And you think he gives a shit? Small businesses suck for workers. That’s it, I am starting a union. F this place.